O marce

About Softness

We know well how challenging and demanding sport climbing can be. Each of us knows the amount of dedication, consistency, and regularity required both in nature and indoors. Often, the condition of our hands becomes an obstacle on the path to achieving our goals. Dry, swollen, and sore hands - we all know this everyday reality of climbing. That's why I created Miękkość (Softness) just for you. Introduced in 2022, Miękkość quickly found its place in the hearts of climbers throughout Poland. Months of trials, tests, and advice from friends at friendly climbing walls - all of this allowed us to create a versatile product that excels in every situation. Swelling, wounds, dry skin - I know well how they can hinder effective training. With Miękkość, you will forget about these problems. A small jar with great power - its plant-based and herbal ingredients will bring relief and take care of your hands like no other product. Created with attention to every detail and refined over many months - because well-maintained hands are the foundation of every climber's training. Miękkość meets the expectations even of the most demanding athletes. Treat yo’self!

About Justka

I stumbled upon climbing by accident in 2021. A friend convinced me to give it a try - I was supposed to come just once, but it turned out that I stayed. I was captivated by the sport, which engaged not only my body but also my mind. However, what truly drew me in was the community that I fell in love with and quickly became an integral part of my life. The people were open, supportive, and passionate about what they love. I quickly abandoned everything I was occupied with at that time and essentially dedicated my whole life to climbing. I put my whole heart into Softness (Miękkość) and approach my contact with you and your individual needs personally - Softness is an important part of my life. Privately, I love people, explore the world, and indulge in extensive bouldering tourism. I also enjoy binge-watching Magda Gessler and taking a camera tour around Warsaw's Praga district. You can find me in Warsaw's bouldering gyms where I regularly train, and I work at two of them - unless I'm currently exploring something.